A big, heavy milk stout that starts with a whip of smoky, roasted malts and culminates in a delicious toasted marshmallow sweetness. Inspired by the uniting of the three Hallows: the elder mashing wand, the resurrection mallow and the malt of invisibility.
According to legend, as told by Beedle the Bard, he who unites the Deathly Hallows is invincible. We thought that was a nice goal to have, so we started fumbling with ingredients, ideas, various incantations, and a large stirring paddle that we call our mashing wand. The result is this magical elixir worthy of Squibs, Muggles, and the magic-born alike.
It starts out with a whiff of smoky roast and culminates in a delicious toasted marshmallow sweetness that is enough to remind you of younger days—before the Sorting Hat put you on whatever path you’re on—sitting around the campfire with the best friends you’ll ever have. But not so much to make you forget you’re drinking beer.