Exactly what the name suggests; a golden, easy-drinking quencher that begs for another sip.
Made with local, Ohio-grown malted barley, but we’re most excited about the initial whiff of lime and the hint of sea salt that, along with our patent-pending pre-fermentation process* produces a light, rounded finish that make this one so easy on the tongue.
It tastes like you’re having more than one.
*It’s not really patent-pending, but it would be super cool if that were a thing.
In Parma in the 80s, the front yard was for your plastic pink flamingos, the backyard was where you displayed your mirrored-ball-on-a-birdbath-base and the sideyard was for your lawnchairs.
The working title during the development of this quencher was “Sideyard Crusher” in homage to an odd quirk of parcel boundaries in many Northeast Ohio communities. Many neighborhoods in the Southwest suburbs of Cleveland — of which Parma (where Dave grew up) is the quintessential example — feature bungalows and cape cods spaced just far enough apart to create sideyards – the ideal space for neighbors to park a vintage lawn chair and share stories, laughs and beers for hours (or days) on end.
In the end, we opted for “Backyard Crusher” because we didn’t want to have to continually explain this localized real estate idiosyncrasy to folks raised in the rest of the beer-drinking world as our research has shown this sessionable brew can be crushed anywhere you need refreshment — with or without white socks.
Crusher is brewed to inspire a spirit of community and bring craft beer aficionados and casual sippers together. It’s not supposed to encourage deep contemplation or a studied deconstruction of what makes it so good. As one of the first lucky fellas to have a taste of the pilot batch out of the tank remarked; “There’s thinkin’ beer and drinkin’ beer,” and we’re proud to say that Backyard Crusher is one of the latter.